3๏ธThree in a Row (TIR)
What does this mode consist of?
In this dynamic and novel game mode, participants can play to win a jackpot, where you have to win 3 consecutive games against real players to win the overall game.
Each participant with a Real Team (NFTs) will arrive at the game screen and register by paying the corresponding amount (contributing to the accumulated pot) of USD 20 paid in $RPS.
After this, the player will appear on standby until their turn arrives. Once on the playing field, the player must beat 3 consecutive players (that is to say, 3 games), to win the accumulated pot of all registered players who have not won 3 games in a row.
Example: Player A / Player B / Player C
Note: remember that new players who join Three in a Row will remain in the queue until it is their turn.
Player A plays against Player B -> Player A wins.
Player A has a 1 win streak (accumulated pot $40)
Player A plays against Player C -> Player A wins
Player A has a 2 win streak ( accumulated pot $60 dollars)
Player A plays against Player B -> Player B wins
Player A loses his streak - Player B has a 1 win streak (accumulated pot $80 dollars)
Player B plays against Player C -> Player B win
Player B has a 2 win streak (accumulated pot $100 dollars)
Player B plays against Player A -> Player B wins
Player B has a 3 win streak and wins the jackpot (Jackpot $120).
TIR commissions
3,5% RPS Team
2% Growth
2% Treasury
1% Land Owners
Last updated